Hi! I'm Rafael Benjamin, iOS developer.

About Me

Former QA Engineer with more than 9 years of experience, looking for the first opportunity as a developer.
Strong pursuit for learning new technologies, self-Improvement through self-study of multiple sources.


project yoga zone prints

Yoga zone app icon image
Yoga zone

The App was created for our iOS development course, it was designed and developed by a group of five and has features aimed at individual the practice of yoga and with a few extras.

The main features that I have worked on are Events, wich consists of users being able to create, find and join in these agendas. The user also can update and delete it's own created event. Another feature was the Onboarding, a simple first-login form to fill in some data and store it on the backend. And the Profile, where those info can be view and edited. Along with changing the password, deleting account and logout.

Stack used:

  • Swift
  • Autolayout
  • MVC
  • Cocoapods
  • UserDefaults
  • Firebase
  • Firestore
  • Rest APIs
  • Gitflow
Source Code  |  Figma